Tuesday, June 26, 2007


This weekend we had an amazing trip to Glacier. We decided to combine our love of Glacier with our Agony Ride training and the result was taking arguably the most spectacular bike ride in the United States.

The starting point was at 3500 feet at the Avalanche campgrounds. We left with a friend from our church who didn't know what she was in for but stuck it out and had an amazing ride on her 20 year old Mountain Bike that weighed more then Rebekah and my bikes combined. We ended 14 or so miles later and at about 6000 feet (the whole Going-to-the-Sun road is still not open). The next picture is the view we had from the top of our ride (taken the previous day).

It was quite the sight to look back and know that we had started at the bottom of the valley in the right of the picture.

Riding back down was fast and only a little over the speed limit (okay 24%). So we didn't poke our heads up too much for views like this:

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