Monday, June 18, 2007

Agony Ride

As many of you already know I've been blessed to be a part of Christian Encounter Ministries in some way for my whole life. Every year they have a major fund raising event called the Agony Ride where willing victims get sponsors to support them in their effort to ride a bicycle as far as they can in 24-hours. Here is what they have to say about the event:

Christian Encounter Ministries is a domestic mission organization with the unique purpose of discipling and counseling troubled young people. These young people come to CEM with major damage from families, society, and/or their own poor choices. As a domestic mission, we are dependent on the loving generosity of mission-minded ministry partners. Our annual Agony Ride is an opportunity for our partners to participate in this vital mission. Some of our staff and approximately ninety other riders attempt to push their limits by riding as far as they can in 24 hours. The Agony has become more than just a personal challenge; it now stands as a pointed demonstration of Christ's love for our students as well as a witness for Christ in the communities of the Sierra Valley.

Rebekah and I are going to be riding this year (the 25th anniversary of the ride). While it is easy to see the obvious benefit of the ride in raising monetary support for the ministry what isn't obvious is the other ways that the ride supports the ministry. The students that are enrolled in the program are participants in the massive effort that supports the riders and keeps them safe and well fueled. While they are watching they get to see a working picture of the body of Christ, with each member doing their part to supporting those around them.

I'll post some more in the coming weeks about our training for the ride.


Ari said...

Thanks for always posting on my blog. I appreciate it. And I like yours too. Is this the most current?

Unknown said...

Thanks, I love the pictures and reports from Peru. Yes this is the most recent form of this blog.