Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More LINQ translation.

We will get to the second part of the last post later, but right now I wanted to post another quick "convert to Haskell from LINQ" entry this time from a post by Eric Lippert.

> import Control.Monad

Notice how similar this definition is to the C# version:

> data Tree = Node Tree Tree | Empty

In both version Node is the name of the constructor taking two arguments. Both cases make an immutable "object".

> instance Show Tree where
> show Empty = "x"
> show (Node l r) = "(" ++ show l ++ show r ++ ")"

The C# version's BinaryTreeString has a helper function doing the recursion, but it isn't really necessary (in the C# or Haskell). What the C# gains is the ability to side-effect on a StringBuilder directly rather than returning partial results.

> allTrees :: Int -> [Tree]
> allTrees 0 = [Empty]
> allTrees n = [Node l r | i <- [0..n-1]
> , l <- allTrees i
> , r <- allTrees (n - 1 - i)
> ]

This translates very directly from the LINQ code, each from statement becomes a statement with a <-. That's it! Testing we have:

> trees = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) (allTrees 4)

giving the output:

*Main> trees

In the comments we have several answers to the challenge the last of which translates to this:

> data ATree = ANode [ATree]

> instance Show ATree where
> show (ANode []) = "{}"
> show (ANode xs) = "{" ++ (foldl1 (++) (map show xs)) ++ "}"

> allATrees :: Int -> [ATree]
> allATrees n = [ANode x | x <- h (n - 1)]
> where h 0 = [[]]
> h n = [(ANode l) : r | i <- [1..n]
> , l <- h (i - 1)
> , r <- h (n - i)
> ]

> aTrees = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) (allATrees 4)

Evaluating aTrees gives:

*Main> aTrees

Note that this output is all strings of nested braces that are in a single outer pair of braces and are eight characters long. If we called allATrees's helper function h directly we would be removing the "single outer pair of braces" constraint. So h of n is of the same order as allTrees.

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