Thursday, March 29, 2007

Glacier Animal Checklist

Rebekah and I just got back from visiting Glacier for the first time in the spring. While there wasn't enough snow low enough for us to go Cross Country skiing, we still saw some spectacular mountains and fun wildlife. This inspired me to start a series here on the blog with all the animals we have seen and identified in Glacier. At first I was going to do it in one post, but there is too much to cover, so you will get several.

To start it off, we have the ubiquitous greeter of all park goers and universally loved food source for all carnivores bigger than it, the Colombian Ground Squirrel.

They are always alert and looking for attention or the nearest predator, whichever comes first.

Oh and a bonus picture so you can see the tail.
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Monday, March 26, 2007


Rebekah conquered Big Mountain (she even did a black diamond).
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Friday, March 23, 2007


Here is an example of a healthy cat scan.
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